viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012

Less and Fewer

viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

Short Dialogue 21- Making a reservation- Advanced

Short Dialogue 20- What do you look like?

Peter and Maria talk about Maria's boyfriend.

Peter: What does your boyfriend look like?
Maria: My boyfriend has short brown hair and
dark-coloured eyes.
Peter: Is he tall or short?
Maria: He's short and thin.
Peter: Does he have a beard?
Maria: No, he has a moustache.
Peter: So, is he good-looking?
Maria: Yes, he's very good-looking!


1. What does Maria's boyfriend look like?
a. He's short and thin.
b. He's short and fat.
c. He's tall and thin.

2. What colour of hair does Maria's boyfriend have?
a. He has black hair.
b. He has brown hair.
c. He has blond hair.

3. What else does Maria's boyfriend have?
a. He has a hat.
b. He has a beard.
c. He has a moustache.

Short Dialogue 19- What is your job?

Two secondary school students talk about their future.

Anna: Do you know what you want to study yet?
Marc: I don't know, I want to be a doctor, but the
degree is too difficult.
Anna: You could also be a nurse.
Marc: Yes, I think I'm going to study nursing. And you?
Anna: I want to be a teacher.
Marc: My sister is a teacher and she loves her job.
Anna: I want to be a teacher to have the holidays


1. What would Marc like to be when he is older?
a. Nurse
b. Doctor
c. Policeman

2. What would Anna like to be when she is older?
a. Doctor
b. Teacher
c. Nurse

3. What does Anna like about that job?
a. To have a good salary
b. To have a lot of holidays
c. To have an interesting job

Short Dialogue 18-Indefinite articles and "it"

A mother comes home from a day shopping with a surprise for her son.

Mother: Hello Paul. I have a surprise for you!
Son: Oh. What is it? Is it a toy boat?
Mother: No. It is not a toy boat.
Son: Is it a toy car?
Mother: No, it is not a toy car.
Son: Is it chocolate?
Mother: No, it is not chocolate….it is a new history
book for you to study!
Son: Ohhh Mum!!!!!


1. Is the gift a toy car?
a. Yes, it is a toy car.
b. No, it is not a toy car.
c. I don't know.

2. Is the gift a toy boat?
a. No, it is not a toy boat.
b. I don't know.
c. Yes, it is a toy boat.

3. Is the gift a history book?
a. I don't know.
b. Yes, it is a history book.
c. No, it is not a history book.

jueves, 7 de junio de 2012

Short Dialogue 17- In the Kitchen

Ana explains to the delivery man where she wants the kitchen appliances.

Anna: The kitchen is very small, so everything has
to be well-placed.
Delivery man: Of course, where shall I put the electrical appliances?
Anna: Put the refrigerator next to the door.
Delivery man: Where shall I put this cupboard?
Anna: Put it on the worktop.
Delivery man: Done.
Anna: Maybe it's better to put the cupboard above the sink...
Delivery man: Tell me where to put it!


1. Where does Anna want the deliveryman to put the fridge?
a. Above the sink.
b. Next to the door.
c. On the worktop.

2. Why does Anna want all the electrical appliances to be well-placed?
a. Because Anna likes cooking a lot.
b. Because Anna is very neat.
c. Because the kitchen is very small.

3. Is Anna sure about where to put the cupboard?
a. No
b. Yes
c. She is very sure.

Short Dialogue 16- The bathroom

A brother and sister argue about going into the bathroom in the morning.

Maria: Peter, get out of the bathroom right now!
Peter: Coming.
Maria: I need to get into the bathroom.
Peter: Wait a moment, I'm in the shower.
Maria: Open up or I'll be late for work!

(Peter finally opens the door)

Peter: I'm done.
Maria: Hurry up I have to put my make-up on.
Peter: Why don't you put your make-up on in your


1. What is Peter doing in the bathroom?
a. He is having a shower.
b. He is brushing his teeth.
c. He is shaving.

2. Why is Maria in a hurry?
a. Because she has to go to work.
b. Because she has to go to class.
c. Because she doesn't want to wait.

3. What does Maria want to do in the bathroom?
a. Maria wants to comb her hair.
b. Maria wants to put on her make-up.
c. Maria wants to take a shower.

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martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

Short Dialogue 15- Demostrative Adjectives

Maria is at the market buying fruit and vegetables.

Maria: Hello. I would like those apples over there please.
Greengrocer: Hello. Of course. Anything else?
Maria: Yes, this melon please and these oranges.
Greengrocer: Certainly. Is that all?
Maria: Ahh…that bag of carrots too please.
Greengrocer: Ok. Five euros twenty-five please………


1. Does Maria buy potatoes?
a. Yes, Maria buys two bags of potatoes.
b. Yes she does.
c. No, she doesn't.

2. Does Maria buy bananas?
a. No, she doesn't.
b. Yes, she does.
c. I don't know.

3. How much does Maria pay?
a. She pays Eur2.25
b. She pays Eur5.25
c. She pays Eur5.55

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Short Dialogue 14- Happy Birthday!

Paul has forgotten his wife Christine's birthday, and he is surprised that a special meal has been prepared.

Paul: What are we eating today?
Christine: There's seafood, roast lamb and chocolate cake.
Paul: That's good! Are we celebrating something?
Christine: Yes, it's my birthday today.
Paul: You don't say! What day is it today? Happy birthday!
Christine: You didn't remember ….
Paul: We'll eat this and then we'll go shopping, alright?
Christine: No, I don't want a present from you.


1. Why has Christine prepared a special meal?
a. Because she wants to surprise Paul.
b. Because it's her anniversary.
c. Because it's her birthday.

2. What are Christine and Paul going to have for dessert?
a. Seafood
b. Lamb
c. Chocolate cake

3. Why does Christine appear to be angry with Paul?
a. Because the cake is bad.
b. Because he doesn't want to go shopping.
c. Because Paul has forgotten her birthday.

Short Dialogue 13- Numbers (Part II)

Thomas and Marc are visiting their friend Peter at the hospital, but they do not remember the room number. 

Thomas: Which is Peter's room?
Marc: He is in room number forty-six.
Thomas: I think he is in room fifty-six.
Marc: I am sure he is in room forty-six.
Thomas: (once there) Ah, he is not here. Let's ask.
Marc: Excuse me, could you tell me Peter Smith's
room number?
Nurse: Sure, one moment please… He is in room
number seventy-six.
Marc: Thank you very much.


1. Where is Peter?
a. Peter is in the hospital.
b. Peter is in the hotel.
c. Peter is in prison.

2. Which room does Thomas think Peter is in?
a. in room number 46
b. in room number 56
c. in room number 76

3. Which of the two friends is right?
a. Marc
b. Thomas
c. Neither one

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Short Dialogue 12- Countable and Uncountable

Marc and Julia are at the supermarket.

Marc: How many apples are there in the bag?
Julia: There are 6 apples in the bag.
Marc: How many biscuits are there in the packet?
Julia: There are 10 biscuits.
Marc: How much oil is there in that bottle?
Julia: There is one litre.
Marc: How much is it?
Julia: It is 5 Euros.
Marc: Ok. Let’s go and pay.


1. Choose the sentence which is correct.
a. How much apples are there in the bag?
b. How many apples are there in the bag?
c. How many apples is there in the bag?

2. Choose the sentence which is correct.
a. How many oils are in the bottle?
b. How much oil is there in the bottle?
c. How many oil is there in the bottle?

3. Choose the sentence which is correct.
a. How many is it?
b. How much it is?
c. How much is it?

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Short Dialogue 11- Adverbs of Frequency

Thomas arrives at work.

Boss: You are late again!
Thomas: I am sorry. The traffic was bad this
Boss: You always say the traffic is bad. It is never
bad when I am coming to work!
Thomas: Yes but I usually take the motorway and
there are always lots of cars.
Boss: Why don’t you come by train? It is never
very busy and you can often get a seat.
Thomas: I rarely take the train because it is too far
from my house….
Boss: Enough excuses! Just be on time tomorrow!


1. Choose the sentence which is written correctly.
a. You say always the traffic is bad.
b. You always say the traffic is bad.
c. You say the always traffic is bad.

2. Choose the sentence which is written correctly.
a. It never is busy and you can often get a seat.
b. It is never busy and you can often get a seat.
c. It is never busy and you often can get a seat.

3. Choose the sentence which is written correctly.
a. I take rarely the train.
b. I the train rarely take.
c. I rarely take the train.

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Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous

Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous

Simple Future and Future Continuous

Simple Future and Future Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous and Past Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous 
and Past Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect and Past Perfect

Present Perfect and Past Perfect

Past Simple and Past Continuous

Past Simple and Past Continuous

Present Simple and Present Continuous

Present Simple and Present Continuous

Voiced Consonants

Voiced Consonants

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

Short Dialogue 10- Numbers (Part I)

Some people play Bingo.

Caller: Eight, six, fourteen, …
Player: Great!
Caller: Seventeen, nineteen, three.
Player: I have got five numbers!
Caller: Twenty euros for the gentleman! Go on: one, eleven, ten.
Player: BINGO!
Caller: The gentleman has won two hundred euros. Congratulations!


1. What are they playing?
a. Chess
b. Ludo
c. Bingo

2. How much money does the player win for having 5 numbers?
a. 20
b. 50
c. 200

3. How much money has the player won?
a. 200
b. 300
c. 100

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