martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

Short Dialogue 13- Numbers (Part II)

Thomas and Marc are visiting their friend Peter at the hospital, but they do not remember the room number. 

Thomas: Which is Peter's room?
Marc: He is in room number forty-six.
Thomas: I think he is in room fifty-six.
Marc: I am sure he is in room forty-six.
Thomas: (once there) Ah, he is not here. Let's ask.
Marc: Excuse me, could you tell me Peter Smith's
room number?
Nurse: Sure, one moment please… He is in room
number seventy-six.
Marc: Thank you very much.


1. Where is Peter?
a. Peter is in the hospital.
b. Peter is in the hotel.
c. Peter is in prison.

2. Which room does Thomas think Peter is in?
a. in room number 46
b. in room number 56
c. in room number 76

3. Which of the two friends is right?
a. Marc
b. Thomas
c. Neither one

Leace your answers here...

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