lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

Short Dialogue 10- Numbers (Part I)

Some people play Bingo.

Caller: Eight, six, fourteen, …
Player: Great!
Caller: Seventeen, nineteen, three.
Player: I have got five numbers!
Caller: Twenty euros for the gentleman! Go on: one, eleven, ten.
Player: BINGO!
Caller: The gentleman has won two hundred euros. Congratulations!


1. What are they playing?
a. Chess
b. Ludo
c. Bingo

2. How much money does the player win for having 5 numbers?
a. 20
b. 50
c. 200

3. How much money has the player won?
a. 200
b. 300
c. 100

Leave your answers here.... (comment)

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