lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

Short Dialogue 8- House Activities

A couple divide up the domestic work.

Husband: Darling, can you lay the table while I
finish making the lunch?
Wife: Just a moment, I'm hanging the washing.
Husband: O.K, but we're going to have lunch right now.
Wife: Coming.

(after having lunch)

Wife: Can you wash the dishes? I've got to work.
Husband: Don't worry, I'll load the dishwasher now.


1. Who makes the lunch?
a. The wife
b. The mother-in-law
c. The husband

2. Who washes the dishes?
a. Neither of them.
b. The husband
c. The wife

3. What is the wife doing after lunch?
a. The wife is washing the dishes.
b. The wife is going to work.
c. The wife is loading the dishwasher.

Leave your answers here... (comment)

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