jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

Short Dialogue 1- Welcome!

Listen and Repeat! Practice this short dialogue with a friend!

New Friends

Two new students meet at the university.

Peter: Hello, my name's Peter.
Julia: Hello Peter. Nice to meet you. My name is Julia.
Peter: Sorry? Gulia? Julia: No, Julia. J – U – L - I –A
Peter: Oh, Julia. Nice to meet you.
Julia: Nice to meet you too.

Two days later, they meet in the university café.

Peter: Good morning Julia, how are you?
Julia: Fine, and you?
Peter: Very well, thanks. Julia, this is my friend
Paul; Paul, this is my friend Julia.
Paul: Hello. Nice to meet you.
Julia: Pleased to meet you.
Paul: How old are you?
Julia: I'm 23, and you?
Paul: Peter is 24 and I'm 23.

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