lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

10 Idioms in 10 Minutes

  • free and easy = relaxed, friendly. She knew that life wouldn't be so free and easy at work.
  • in dribs and drabs = in small amounts or numbers. The public arrived in dribs and drabs.
  • in leaps and bounds = very quickly. My English is improving in leaps and bounds.
  • prim and proper = correct and very formal. She's a very prim and proper lady.
  • ranting and raving = shouting in an angry way. Please stop ranting and raving and listen to me!
  • skin and bone = extremely thin. She's really skin and bone, she doesn't need to go on a diet anymore.
  • spick and span = completely clean and tidy. Her room is always spick and span.
  • the length and breadth of some place = all over the place. Police searched the length and breadth of the town.
  • thick and fast = happening very frequently, in large amounts. Letters for the contest arrived thick and fast.
  • to be at somebody's beck and call = be ready to do what somebody wants. She got tired of being at his beck and call.
  • to blow hot and cold = keep changing one's attitude towards something. Now he agrees but I'm sure that later he'll disagree; he always blows hot and cold.

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