lunes, 22 de julio de 2013


Beautiful is used to refer to a woman or a child, who are attractive in a noticeable way.
Pretty is used to refer to a woman or a girl, who have a nice, attractive face.
Handsome is used to refer to a man or a boy, who are good-looking, attractive.
Beautiful se usa para referirse a una mujer o un niño pequeño, que son atractivos de forma evidente.
Pretty se usa para referirse a una mujer o una niña, que tienen una cara bonita, atractiva.
Handsome se usa para referirse a un hombre o un niño, que son bonitos, atractivos.
  • beautiful
    She was more beautiful than I had remembered.
    What a beautiful child!
    Julia Roberts is really beautiful.

  • pretty
    She looks pretty with that new haircut.
    They have a pretty little girl.
    Julia Roberts is really pretty.

  • handsome
    He is tall, blond and handsome.
    They have a handsome young boy.
    George Clooney is really handsome.

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