miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013


  • chapter and verse = with a lot of details. The teacher gave them chapter and verse about where to find the information.
  • far and wide = everywhere. She tried far and wide to find the keys but she couldn't. She had to take a taxi instead.
  • first and foremost = most important. First and foremost, I would like to thank you all for this welcome.
  • forgive and forget = forget enmity. Let's be friends again, I'm sorry for what I've done, but you have to forgive and forget.
  • free and easy = relaxed, friendly. She knew that life wouldn't be so free and easy at work.
  • hit and miss = random. I don't know how to operate this machine, it's just a question of hit and miss for me!
  • live and learn = become wiser. You trusted her and she deceived you. You live and learn, so don't get fooled again.
  • in and out = entering and leaving a place. The boss has been in and out all day, to see if the employees were working.
  • loud and clear = very clearly. Even though he was 400km away, I could hear him loud and clear on the telephone line.
  • now and again = occasionally. They like to go to a concert now and again.

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