viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

10 Idioms in 10 Minutes

  • alive and kicking = in good health and active. I got a letter from Ronald, he's alive and kicking, working for an insurance company.
  • born and bred = born and educated. Helen was born and bred in London, that's why she always carries an umbrella.
  • bright and early = very early in the morning. We have to leave bright and early if we want to arrive there by 10.
  • cut and dried = final, decided (plans). Our plan is cut and dried: first we are going to the cinema, and then to the restaurant.
  • fair and square = in a fair way. We will pay for our part, let's make it fair and square.
  • high and dry = without any help. She was left high and dry, but she managed to get on with her life.
  • home and dry = sure of success. If you study a lot, you will be home and dry for the final exam.
  • on and on = without stopping. I've been cleaning the house all morning, and I still have to go on and on to finish.
  • rough and ready = not exact. I don't understand much about grammar but I can give you a rough and ready explanation.
  • round and round = in circles. I started to feel sick, everything was going round and round in my head.

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