martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

Short Dialogue 15- Demostrative Adjectives

Maria is at the market buying fruit and vegetables.

Maria: Hello. I would like those apples over there please.
Greengrocer: Hello. Of course. Anything else?
Maria: Yes, this melon please and these oranges.
Greengrocer: Certainly. Is that all?
Maria: Ahh…that bag of carrots too please.
Greengrocer: Ok. Five euros twenty-five please………


1. Does Maria buy potatoes?
a. Yes, Maria buys two bags of potatoes.
b. Yes she does.
c. No, she doesn't.

2. Does Maria buy bananas?
a. No, she doesn't.
b. Yes, she does.
c. I don't know.

3. How much does Maria pay?
a. She pays Eur2.25
b. She pays Eur5.25
c. She pays Eur5.55

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Short Dialogue 14- Happy Birthday!

Paul has forgotten his wife Christine's birthday, and he is surprised that a special meal has been prepared.

Paul: What are we eating today?
Christine: There's seafood, roast lamb and chocolate cake.
Paul: That's good! Are we celebrating something?
Christine: Yes, it's my birthday today.
Paul: You don't say! What day is it today? Happy birthday!
Christine: You didn't remember ….
Paul: We'll eat this and then we'll go shopping, alright?
Christine: No, I don't want a present from you.


1. Why has Christine prepared a special meal?
a. Because she wants to surprise Paul.
b. Because it's her anniversary.
c. Because it's her birthday.

2. What are Christine and Paul going to have for dessert?
a. Seafood
b. Lamb
c. Chocolate cake

3. Why does Christine appear to be angry with Paul?
a. Because the cake is bad.
b. Because he doesn't want to go shopping.
c. Because Paul has forgotten her birthday.

Short Dialogue 13- Numbers (Part II)

Thomas and Marc are visiting their friend Peter at the hospital, but they do not remember the room number. 

Thomas: Which is Peter's room?
Marc: He is in room number forty-six.
Thomas: I think he is in room fifty-six.
Marc: I am sure he is in room forty-six.
Thomas: (once there) Ah, he is not here. Let's ask.
Marc: Excuse me, could you tell me Peter Smith's
room number?
Nurse: Sure, one moment please… He is in room
number seventy-six.
Marc: Thank you very much.


1. Where is Peter?
a. Peter is in the hospital.
b. Peter is in the hotel.
c. Peter is in prison.

2. Which room does Thomas think Peter is in?
a. in room number 46
b. in room number 56
c. in room number 76

3. Which of the two friends is right?
a. Marc
b. Thomas
c. Neither one

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Short Dialogue 12- Countable and Uncountable

Marc and Julia are at the supermarket.

Marc: How many apples are there in the bag?
Julia: There are 6 apples in the bag.
Marc: How many biscuits are there in the packet?
Julia: There are 10 biscuits.
Marc: How much oil is there in that bottle?
Julia: There is one litre.
Marc: How much is it?
Julia: It is 5 Euros.
Marc: Ok. Let’s go and pay.


1. Choose the sentence which is correct.
a. How much apples are there in the bag?
b. How many apples are there in the bag?
c. How many apples is there in the bag?

2. Choose the sentence which is correct.
a. How many oils are in the bottle?
b. How much oil is there in the bottle?
c. How many oil is there in the bottle?

3. Choose the sentence which is correct.
a. How many is it?
b. How much it is?
c. How much is it?

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Short Dialogue 11- Adverbs of Frequency

Thomas arrives at work.

Boss: You are late again!
Thomas: I am sorry. The traffic was bad this
Boss: You always say the traffic is bad. It is never
bad when I am coming to work!
Thomas: Yes but I usually take the motorway and
there are always lots of cars.
Boss: Why don’t you come by train? It is never
very busy and you can often get a seat.
Thomas: I rarely take the train because it is too far
from my house….
Boss: Enough excuses! Just be on time tomorrow!


1. Choose the sentence which is written correctly.
a. You say always the traffic is bad.
b. You always say the traffic is bad.
c. You say the always traffic is bad.

2. Choose the sentence which is written correctly.
a. It never is busy and you can often get a seat.
b. It is never busy and you can often get a seat.
c. It is never busy and you often can get a seat.

3. Choose the sentence which is written correctly.
a. I take rarely the train.
b. I the train rarely take.
c. I rarely take the train.

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Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous

Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous

Simple Future and Future Continuous

Simple Future and Future Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous and Past Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous 
and Past Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect and Past Perfect

Present Perfect and Past Perfect

Past Simple and Past Continuous

Past Simple and Past Continuous

Present Simple and Present Continuous

Present Simple and Present Continuous

Voiced Consonants

Voiced Consonants

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

Short Dialogue 10- Numbers (Part I)

Some people play Bingo.

Caller: Eight, six, fourteen, …
Player: Great!
Caller: Seventeen, nineteen, three.
Player: I have got five numbers!
Caller: Twenty euros for the gentleman! Go on: one, eleven, ten.
Player: BINGO!
Caller: The gentleman has won two hundred euros. Congratulations!


1. What are they playing?
a. Chess
b. Ludo
c. Bingo

2. How much money does the player win for having 5 numbers?
a. 20
b. 50
c. 200

3. How much money has the player won?
a. 200
b. 300
c. 100

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Short Dialogue 9- What's your job?

Two secondary school students talk about their future.

Anna: Do you know what you want to study yet?
Marc: I don't know, I want to be a doctor, but the
degree is too difficult.
Anna: You could also be a nurse.
Marc: Yes, I think I'm going to study nursing. And you?
Anna: I want to be a teacher.
Marc: My sister is a teacher and she loves her job.
Anna: I want to be a teacher to have the holidays.


1. What would Marc like to be when he is older?
a. Nurse
b. Doctor
c. Policeman

2. What would Anna like to be when she is older?
a. Doctor
b. Teacher
c. Nurse

3. What does Anna like about that job?
a. To have a good salary
b. To have a lot of holidays
c. To have an interesting job

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Short Dialogue 8- House Activities

A couple divide up the domestic work.

Husband: Darling, can you lay the table while I
finish making the lunch?
Wife: Just a moment, I'm hanging the washing.
Husband: O.K, but we're going to have lunch right now.
Wife: Coming.

(after having lunch)

Wife: Can you wash the dishes? I've got to work.
Husband: Don't worry, I'll load the dishwasher now.


1. Who makes the lunch?
a. The wife
b. The mother-in-law
c. The husband

2. Who washes the dishes?
a. Neither of them.
b. The husband
c. The wife

3. What is the wife doing after lunch?
a. The wife is washing the dishes.
b. The wife is going to work.
c. The wife is loading the dishwasher.

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Short Dialogue 7- Do you play any sport?

Two old friends meet on the street.

Paul: How are you doing, Marc?
Marc: Hi, Paul! How are you?
Paul: Fine, you look well.
Marc: That's what I'm trying for, I play a lot of sport.
Paul: What sports do you play?
Marc: On Mondays and Wednesdays I play football, on Tuesdays I go swimming and cycling…
Paul: And do you have time to be with your girlfriend?
Marc: I don't have a girlfriend anymore.


1. How is Marc doing?
a. Marc is very fat.
b. Marc looks well.
c. Marc doesn't look well.

2. When does Marc go cycling?
a. Marc goes cycling on Wednesdays.
b. Marc goes cycling on Tuesdays.
c. Marc goes cycling on Mondays.

3. Why does Marc have so much free time?
a. Because he doesn't have a girlfriend anymore.
b. Because he doesn't have a job.
c. Because he is on holiday.

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Short Dialogue 6- Parts of the body

A couple in their house.

Peter: I have a headache, I worked too much today.
Claudia: I've been to the gym and my legs and knees hurt.
Peter: My back also hurts.
Claudia: You seem tired.
Peter: I'm very tired, I'm going to bed.
Claudia: Me too, good night!


1. Why does Peter have a headache?
a. Because he went to the gym.
b. Because he has worked too much.
c. Because he has slept too much.

2. What's wrong with Claudia?
a. Claudia's back is hurting.
b. Claudia's knees are hurting.
c. Claudia has a headache.

3. What is Peter going to do?
a. Peter is going to bed.
b. Peter is going to the gym.
c. Peter is going to work.

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Determiners: Few, Many, Each, Every, Some, Any

Few, Many, Each, Every, Some, Any, etc

Comparative and superlative: Irregular

Comparative and superlative: Irregular

Comparative and Superlative Forms: Adjectives

Comparative and Superlative Forms
Adjectives and Adverbs

Conditional Sentences: If....then

Conditional Sentences: If....then

Advanced Visual Vocabulary: THE WEB

Advanced Visual Vocabulary: THE WEB

Irregular Verbs To Be, To Have, To Do, To Go

Irregular Verbs To Be, To Have, To Do, To Go

Auxiliary Verbs

Auxiliary Verbs

Verbs and Types of Verb Tenses

Verbs and Types of Verb Tenses

Sentences in English

English Sentences

Question Words

Question Words

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Prepositions and Conjunctions

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

Short Dialogue 5- What time is it?


 Mother and son argue before going to bed.
Mother : What time's your class tomorrow?
Son: Half past eight.
Mother : What time do you have to get up?
Son: At eight.
Mother : Half an hour is not enough to have a
shower, have breakfast, take the bus…
Son: Ok, the thing is my favourite programme
starts at 9…
Mother : But, you have to go to class.
Son: I promise that at 09:30 I'll go to class.

Short Dialogue 4- Colours- Buying Clothes


Two friends are buying clothes in a shop.

Maria: Look at those blue trousers.
Anna: I love them! Blue is my favourite colour.
Maria: I prefer the colour green.
Anna: Well look at that green t-shirt.
Maria: That green is too light, I prefer dark green.
Anna: There's a dark green here.
Maria: I love it.
Anna: I like it too and I saw it first…

Short Dialogue 3- How are you?


 Two friends, John and Julia, meet for a coffee and
talk about their day at the university.

John: Hello Julia! How are you?
Julia: I'm fine, thanks, and you?
John: So-so, I have an exam today.
Julia: Are you OK? You seem tired.
John: I am just worried about my exam.
Julia: Don’t be scared! Be confident about your

Articles- Explanation and Examples

Explanation and Examples

Indefinite Pronouns- Chart, Explanation and Examples

Indefinite Pronouns
Chart, Explanation and Examples

Pronouns- Chart, Explanation and Examples

Chart, Explanation and Examples

Short Text: Friendship

Making and Keeping Friends

Different people have different definitions of friendship. For some, it means being sure the other person won't hurt you. For others, it is unconditional love. There are some who feel that friendship is companionship. People invent definitions based an the kind of experiences they have had.
Generally speaking, friendship is one form of relationship that have been nurtured since times immemorial.There are famous stories about friends in mithologies of different religions all over the world. The message in these stories is that a person who has found a faithful friend has found a priceless treasure.
Here are some tips on how to make and keep friends:

  1. Treat people the way you would want to be treated.
  2. Be yourself. If you act like somebody else, nobody will like the real you.
  3. Don't gossip about other people, direct your energy into positive efforts, like setting and achieving a goal.
  4. Don't make the mistake of being your own worst enemy! Be your own best friend and take care of yourself. Choose your friends wisely; you become what they are. Avoid negative influences. Respect ypurself. Don't let people take advantage of you or put you down. Real friends like you for wah you are.
  5. Take time to really listen. Try to understand not only what a person is saying but also what she/ he may not be able to put into words. If you are thinking of things to say, then you are not listening. Send signals- both verbal and non-verbal (nodding your head and making eye contact)- to show that you are really listening
  6. Try to understand what other people are going through. You need to be empathic, which means trying to experience an emotion as somebody else is experiencing it. American poet Walt Whitman stated that he never asked a wounded person how he felt. He himself became the wounded person. Being enpathic doesn't mean being sympathetic, which means feeling sorry for somebody's problems.
  7. Find a close friend you can rely on and who you think gives good advice. She or he doesn't have to be your age. This person can be a parent, a teacher, a friend of the family or anybody you enjoy talking to. This person can help you sort out your problems and reach decisions in any difficult situation.
  8. Learn how to keep a secret! Benjamin Franklin declared that promises would get friends but it was performance that kept them.

I hope you have many good friends!! See you on the next post!!
(translation below)

Haciendo amigos y conservandolos

Diferentes personas tienen diferentes definiciones de la amistad. Para algunos, significa estar seguros que la otra persona no los lastimara. Para otros, es amor incondicional. Hay algunos que sienten que la amistad es compañía.
La gente inventa definiciones basadas en el tipo de experiencia que han tenido.
Generalmente hablando, la amistad es una de las formas de relación que ha sido nutrida desde tiempos inmemoriales. Hay historias famosas acerca de la amistad de diferentes religiones de todo el mundo. El mensaje en estas historias es que la persona que ha encontrado un amigo fiel, ha encontrado un tesoro invaluable.
Aquí algunos consejos para hacer y conservar amigos:

  1. Trata a la gente como quisieras ser tratado
  2. Se tu mismo. Si actúas como alguien mas, a nadie le gustara el verdadero tu.
  3. No hables mal de otra gente, dirige tu energía a otros esfuerzos positivos, como fijarte una meta y alcanzarla.
  4. No cometas el error de ser tu propio peor enemigo! Se tu propio mejor amigo y cuida de ti mismo. Elije tus amigos sabiamente; te conviertes en lo que ellos son. Evita las influencias negativas. Respetate a vos mismo. No dejes que la gente se aproveche de vos o que te menosprecien.
  5. Tomate el tiempo de escuchar realmente. Trata de entender no solo lo que una persona esta diciendo, sino también lo que no puede poner en palabras, Si estas pensando en que decir, entonces no estas escuchando. Envía señales- verbales y no verbales- para demostrar que lo estas escuchando realmente.
  6. Intenta entender lo que la otra persona esta atravesando. Necesitas ser empático, lo cual significa que intentes experimentar una emoción como alguien mas la este experimentando. El poeta Americano Walt Whitman escribió que el nunca le pregunto a una persona herida como se sentía, el mismo se convertía en esa persona herida. Ser empático no significa ser compasivo, lo cual significa sentir lastima por los problemas de alguien.
  7. Encuentra un amigo cercano en el que puedas confiar y que pienses que da buenos consejos. No tiene que ser de tu edad, puede ser uno de tus padres, un maestro, un amigo de la familia o alguien con quien disfrutes hablar. Esta persona puede ayudarte a resolver problemas y a tomar decisiones en situaciones difíciles.
  8. Aprende a guardar un secreto! Benjamin Franklin declaro que las promesas conseguirán amigos, pero su realización los mantendrán.
            Espero que tengas muy buenos amigos!! Nos vemos en nuestro próximo post!